This is the window display at M M Broad and the work of the children from Finchley Catholic School. Trainee Funeral Director Samantha Wraight approached the deputy head of the school who then spoke with the art teacher who contacted Samantha to bring her idea to life.
The two posters in the main window were from a trip the children took to Belgium to see the war graves, one of the pupils had a relative in the cemetery they visited. This nicely linked to the idea of displaying poppies in the window.
The school had a competition for the best poppy design for Year 7 and Year 11, the children knew that the poppies were going to be displayed in the window MM Broad as most of the children walk past every day.
The children received house points for their houses for taking part.
In the main window are 100 red poppies and 150 of various colours. Every one of the 150 poppies are personal to each child, for example the sparkly poppy is because the child loves celebration, another is representative of diversity, another is for unity and peace.
Each child was asked ‘what does remembrance mean to them?’ and this is where the designs came from.
The school children learnt about Remembrance, why we went to war, why we needed to fight and the impact that had on today’s society.
The art technician at the school worked with Samantha over a number of weeks to bring her idea to life but to also bring value to the children’s education.